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Moritz Am Ende
German, English, French
Moritz Am Ende is a German attorney (admitted to the bar in Frankfurt am Main) and a partner at Schima Mayer Starlinger Attorneys at Law.
He advises clients on all aspects of Austrian and EU competition law, including State aid law, as well as general EU and EEA law. He is also experienced in handling FDI applications and defending clients against allegations of REMIT infringements.
Prior to starting his career as an attorney, Moritz headed the cabinet of the President of the EFTA Court, Prof. Carl Baudenbacher (2007 to 2012). Before joining Prof. Baudenbacher in Luxembourg, he worked as one of his research assistants at University of St.Gallen HSG’s Institute for European and International Business Law.
He has published on a wide range of issues of European economic and business law; inter alia, he is a co-author of the Munich Commentary on European and German Competition Law. After training as a Rechtsreferendar at, amongst others, Latham & Watkins LLP in Brussels and Fiebinger Polak Leon attorneys-at-law, Vienna, he became a founding member of the Starlinger Mayer team which merged into Schima Mayer Starlinger in 2018.
Moritz studied law in Konstanz (Germany) and Aix-en-Provence (France). Since his student days, he has been an active member of ELSA, the European Law Students’ Association and is a former president of the ELSA Lawyers Society (ELS).
- University Konstanz
- Université d'Aix-Marseille III
- Bar Association Frankfurt am Main
- Bar Association Vienna
- Study Association Antitrust Law
- Chambers Europe 2023, Austria, Competition/EU Law - Band 4
- Chambers Europe 2022, Austria, Competition/EU Law - Band 4
Getting the Deal Through – Dominance 2023 – Austria
Christian Mayer, Moritz Am Ende; Publication led by Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP and contributing editors Patrick Bock, Henry Mostyn and Patrick Todd ; Law Business Research Ltd., London 2023.
Getting the Deal Through – Dominance 2022 – Austria
Moritz Am Ende, Christian Mayer; Publication led by Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP and contributing editors Patrick Bock, Henry Mostyn and Patrick Todd ; Law Business Research Ltd., London 2022.
Getting the Deal Through – Dominance 2021 – Austria
Moritz Am Ende, Christian Mayer and Elisabeth Wielinger; Publisher: Tom Barnes; Law Business Research Ltd., London 2021.
State Aid and the Energy Sector: Austria
Moritz Am Ende und Judith Grimm; Herausgeber: Leigh Hancher, Adrien de Hauteclocque, Francesco Maria Salerno, Hart Publishing, Oxford 2018.
Ordre Public, Arbitration, and Competition Law: Results Matter, Reasons Don’t
(OGH 18.02.2015, 2Ob22/14w) CEE Legal Matters 2015/4, 40. Online verfügbar auf www.ceelegalmatters.com.
Baudenbacher/Buschle/Am Ende, Verfahren vor den Europäischen Gerichten in Wettbewerbssachen, in: Bornkamm/Montag/Säcker (Hrsg.), Münchner Kommentar zum Europäischen und Deutschen Wettbewerbsrecht, Band 1: Europäisches Wettbewerbsrecht, 2. Aufl., C.H. Beck-Verlag, München 2015.
Erwartung, Wartung, Überraschung – EuGH stärkt Passagierrechte bei Flugannullierung (EuGH, C549/07 Friederike Wallentin-Hermann ./. Alitalia) ELR 2009, 23.
It’s getting cramped on board: Ne ultra petita, Reformatio in pejus and the Principle of Effectiveness (EuGH, Rs. C-455/06 Heemskerk BV and Firma Schaap ./. Productschap Vee en Vlees) ELR 2008, 420.
Assessment of Real Estate Property for Inheritance Tax purposes depending on the place of residence of the deceased (EuGH, Rs. C11/07 Hans Eckelkamp and Others ./. Belgische Staat) ELR 2008, 381.
But not the Walloons! Internal quarrel – or a case for the Court? (EuGH, Rs. C210/06 Government of the French Community and Walloon Government ./. Flemish Government) ELR 2008, 314.
Am Ende, Moritz / Kaempf, Markus, Ambush-Marketing: Unlauteres Schmarotzertum oder legitime Werbestrategie?, in: Philipp Juchli/Marcel Würmli (Hrsg.), Sport zwischen Recht, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Kultur, Stämpfli Verlag, Bern 2007.
Staatliche Wettmonopole: Neues Spiel, neues Glück? (EuGH, verb. Rs. C-338/04, C-359/04, C360/04 Procuratore della Repubblica ./. Placania u.a.) ELR 2007, 86.
Schluss mit Schlüssig: Der Verweis wird abgewiesen (EuG, T-209/01 Honeywell ./. Kommission) ELR 2006, 130.
Kommission gegen Microsoft: …und Drachen – Teil 2 des Microsoft-Falles (EuG, T- 201/04 R Microsoft ./. Kommission) ELR 2006, 18.
Semmelmann, Constanze / Kaempf, Markus / Am Ende, Moritz, The International Criminal Court – a Toothless Tiger or Efficient Tool to Combat International Terrorism?, in: Philipp Juchli/Marcel Würmli (Hrsg.), Auswirkungen des Terrorismus auf Recht, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Stämpfli Verlag, Bern 2006.
Kommission gegen Microsoft: Von Windmühlen – Teil 1 des Microsoft-Falles (EuG, T-201/04 R Microsoft ./. Kommission) ELR 2005, 302.
Hot prices in cold skies: A case of predatory pricing in Iceland? (Competition Appeals Committee, case No. 17-18/2003) ELR 2005, 254.