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12. April 2023

The Legal 500 EMEA 2023: sms.law Rankings

Mit großem Stolz geben wir bekannt, dass unsere Kanzlei auch heuer wieder Top-Rankings im Legal 500 EMEA 2023 Guide erzielt hat!

Wir gratulieren unseren Anwält:innen und Teams zur diesjährigen Erfolg und bedanken uns an dieser Stelle herzlich bei unseren Mandant:innen und Kolleg:innen für ihr Feedback, die Unterstützung und ihr kontinuierliches Engagement! Ein großes Dankeschön geht natürlich auch an Legal 500 für die aufwendige Recherchearbeit und die Anerkennung unserer Kanzlei.

Die diesjährigen Rankings:

sms.law EU and Competition – Tier 3

Department Head und sms.law Partner Christian Mayer (Leading Individual) führt sein Team auch diesmal zu einer beachtlichen Positionierung – wir gratulieren dem sms.law Competition/EU Law Team: Partner Moritz Am Ende, of Counsel Christoph Bezemek, und Rechtsanwaltsanwärter:innen Lena Kersch, Laurenz Goetzinger und Sarah Wolfgruber.

‘In our experience, the firm offers outstanding expertise paired with an impressive service level. The team evidently holds itself to very high standards and often goes “the extra mile”.’ (The Legal 500 EMEA 2023, client feedback)

‘This law firm is a most positive example of excellent lawyers.’ (The Legal 500 EMEA 2023, client feedback)

‘Christian Mayer: exceptional specialist in antitrust law, has a solution-oriented economical approach combined with the ability to think quickly. Fast to grasp complex questions and legal situations, he sees the big picture, identifies and neither misses anything nor gets lost in detail. Uncommonly committed to his clients who he takes by the hand where necessary.’ (The Legal 500 EMEA 2023, client feedback)

sms.law Employment  – Tier 3

Gratulation an Partner:innen und Department Heads Georg Schima (Hall of Fame) und Birgit Vogt-Majarek, sowie ihr Team: Rechtsanwält:innen Stefan Burischek, Andreas Kezer und Johanna Pinczolits,  Rechtsanwaltsanwärter:innen Stefan Knotzer, Nikola Kasapovic, Daniel Theiner und juristische Mitarbeiterin Lena Noé-Nordberg.

‘The advice is characterised by a very high professional level but at the same time practical solutions at all times. In particular, the extensive knowledge of regional and also of commercial law peculiarities is a real asset, especially for international clients. The attorneys are experienced experts in their fields, but fortunately at all times very down-to-earth in their demeanour.’ (The Legal 500 EMEA 2023, client feedback)

‘The law firm meticulously works out legal problems, recognises and solves legal issues, even if they are not obvious at first sight. Problems are examined in a multi-layered and comprehensive manner, and solutions are pointed out.’ (The Legal 500 EMEA 2023, client feedback)

‘We have been working with the law firm for years and I am still amazed at how fast the response time is. The advice is appropriate for target groups and always prepared in such a way that follow-up work is not necessary.’ (The Legal 500 EMEA 2023, client feedback)

sms.law Projects and Energy – Tier 3

Und natürlich an sms.law Partner und Department Head Thomas Starlinger (Leading Individual) und das Energy Law Team: Partner Christian Mayer, Moritz Am Ende und Rechtsanwaltsanwärter Laurenz Götzinger!

‘Deep sectoral and institutional knowledge. An absolute go-to legal adviser for energy matters in Austria and also neighbouring CEE countries.’ (The Legal 500 EMEA 2023, client feedback)

‘Thomas Starlinger is an attorney who knows this sector like hardly anyone else in Austria. Dedicated, hard working, and extremely knowledgeable.’ (The Legal 500 EMEA 2023, client feedback)

‘Deep knowledge and experienced team in the energy sector.’ (The Legal 500 EMEA 2023, client feedback)


Darüber hinaus freuen wir uns sehr, dass unser sms.law Real Estate Team – Partner Markus Dax und Philipp Gamauf, sowie Rechtsanwältin Anna Woschitz – in die diesjährige Ausgabe als ‚Firm to Watch‘ für Real Estate in Österreich aufgenommen wurde!

Wir gratulieren nochmals allen Teams und wünschen auch weiterhin viel Erfolg!

Um unsere vollständigen Rankings sowie das sms.law Legal 500 Profil zu sehen, folgen Sie bitte diesem LINK